
SuperViz by SuperUber

SuperViz is a collaboration tool using 360º scenes that shortens distances between people and places. It empowers people to create immersive experiences for presenting projects and ideas.

The idea is simple: The main scenes are called galleries, with endless worlds inside. You can navigate through them, create live links between them, and tell immersive and impactful stories inside.

The goal was to discover non-intrusive ways of presenting 360º contents for architects, engineers, creatives and educators. It was my first time working with a VR and 360º project, and I've had a great time doing so. I've learned how you must have a different mindset to design an immersive world, taking quite distinctive and unique experience issues into account.

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Futuur is a community-based forecasting game, and a platform for predicting the future using collective intelligence.

The challenge was to bring the idea of predicting events to the general public with ease of use and clarity of information, which is often overlooked in this kind of product. It still had some cool traits, such as being able to bet on specific mundane events such as "Who will die in the next episode of Game of Thrones?" or "Will Humans land on Mars until 2024?". If you hit the right answers, you'll gain Ooms, a social currency created for Futuur. Pretty Cool. I've worked for almost two years as Freelance Product Designer on the team.


Yellow Mango

Yellow Mango is really special for people who want to cook & dine in an independent and healthy way. The clients subscribe to receive ready to cook ingredients from trusted farmers and suppliers. It's a well-explored market in the US and Europe, but kinda new to Brazil.

The main goal was to reshape this business model to Brazilian consumers, understanding their specific needs and pains. I was responsible for designing the entire platform, collaborating actively to drive business decisions. One of the toughest challenges was to help design the delivery logistics, that should be viable in terms of meals variety, delivery dates and zero-waste policy.
